- Terms of Use
- No Warranties
- Customer Remedy
- Limitation & Exclusion Of Liability
d.Legal Forum, Choice Of Laws & Official Language
- Copyrights
- Licence
g.Earnings & Income Disclaimers
- Access To This Site
- Restrictions On Use
- Proprietary Information
- Hyperlinks
- Submissions
- Disclaimer
- Limitation On Liability
- Indemnity
- Information You Provide
- Security
- Privacy Policy
- Personal Information Our Company Collects a. How It Is Used Introduction
- Registration
- Our Company Partners a. Sponsors
- Online Shopping
- Responses to Email Enquiries
- Voluntary Customer Surveys
- Special Cases
- Our Company Commitment to Children's Privacy
- Revisions to This Policy
- Miscellaneous
Terms of Use, Privacy Statement, Legal Notices, Terms and Conditions, Legal Responsibilities, Disclaimer
1) person should rely on the contents of any of the information, prod. or services on this webs. or advice, products, or services provided by LEAD N EDGE Consulting Pty Ltd (hereafter referred to as the 'Company') without first obtaining advice from a qualified professional person. No person should act on any information, products, or services provided before they have formed their own opinion through investigation and research as to the suitability of the information, products, or services for their circumstances.
2) While every attempt has been made to verify the information on this website and the product being sold or services being rendered, neither the product owners, distributor, agents, or publishers assume any responsibility for any error, inaccuracies, and or omissions or assume any responsibility or liability whatsoever on behalf of any purchase or reader of these materials. Any slight on people, organisation, companies, or products is unintentional. The statements and examples on this website are not intended to represent or guarantee that everyone will achieve the same result. Ea. individual, success will be determined by his or her desire, dedication, effort, and motivation to work and follow through on strategies and/or planned actions. There is no guarantee of duplicated results stated here. You recognise any business endeavour has an inherent risk for loss of capital.
3) The Company and those participating in the event, purchasing products or services make no expressed or implied claims that you will make money as a result of following their examples and/or purchasing their .rvices or products.
9) The Company is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, professional or other advice or services.
5) By undertaking these services provided by LEADNEDGE, you hereby agree to never engage in a chain marketing scheme, to never .nd unsolicited commercial Email, or engage in unfair or deceptive marketing practices of any kind.
6)The service offered on this website is for educational and information purposes only. Check with your lawyer, accountant, or other professional advisors before using this information.
7) You agree that the Company, Presenters, and/or Affiliates are not responsible for any success or failure that you or your business may experience as a result of any information presented or any products or services offered here or at an Event or Coaching.
8) You freely and of your own will risk any and all capital you may choose to spend implementing concepts outlined while using this service. You will do so with skill and common sense. You will not hold the Presenters and/or affiliates liable or accountable in any way for any failure of the service to live up to your expectations.
9) Your use of and browsing in the site and/or purchasing of this service is at your risk. Without limiting the foregoing, everything on the site and included in the service is provided to you as is. without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.
10) Please note that some jurisdictions may not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so some of the above exclusions may not apply to you. Check your local laws for any restrictions or limitations regarding the exclusion of implied warranties.
No Warranties
The website, products, and services are provided, as is, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and titers for a particular purple. The company does not warrant, guarantee, or make any representations regarding the use, or the results of the website, products, services or written materials in the terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, currentness or otherwise. The entire risk as to the rear. and performance of the website, products and services are assumed by you. If the website, products, services or written materials are defective, you, and not our company, assume the e.re cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction.
This is the only warrant of any kind, either expressed or implied, that is made by LEADNEDGE Consulting Pry Ltd. No oral or written information or advice given by our company shall create a warranty Ni in any way increase the scope of this warranty, and you may not rely on us. information or advice to do so.
Customer Remedy
Our company's entire liability, and the purchaser's exclusive remedy, shall be a refund of the price paid or replacement of our products, at our option. We limit replacement to thirty days. An remedies are limited to Australia. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability, so the above limitations may not apply to you.
Limitation & Exclusion Of Liability
These warranties exclude all incidental or consequential damages. Our company, and its suppliers, will not be liable for any damages whatsoever, including without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability, so the above limitations may not apply to you.
Legal Forum, Choice Of Laws & Official Language
This offering is a contract between you the buyer a. our business, the seller. The seller is located in Brisbane, Australia and by doing business with us you agree that this offering is made from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia and shall be governed by Australian law. By electing to participate in this offer, you are entering into a contract.
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Australian law, without regard to its conflict of laws rules. Any legal action arising out of this Agreement shall be litigated and enforced under Australian law. In addition, you agree to submit to the jurisdiction of Australian courts, and that any legal action pursued by you shall be within the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Australia.
The terms constituting this offering are set forth in writing on this Web site. You hereby agree to submit to the section of Australian Courts located in Queensland to resolve any disputes or litigation hereunder. Whether or not you choose to print this offering, containing the terms and conditions as described herein, you agree that this co-act constitutes writing.
This agreement is being written in English, which is to be the official language of the contract's text and interpretation. If you do not agree with the above terms and conditions, you have the option to not participate in this offer.
This website and information contain copyrighted material, trademarks, and other proprietary information. You may not modify, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale of, create derivative works of, on in any way exploit, in whole or in part, any Proprietary or other Material.
All images, text, contents, products, and scripts are licensed and never sold unless otherwise stated. Reproduction is prohibited. V. may not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, compile, disassemble, otherwise. reverse engineer, or transfer the
licensed program or product, or any subset of the licensed program or product, except as provided for in this agreement or expressly in writing. Any unauthorised use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this agreement and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution. Our company serves all rights not expressly granted here.
Earnings & Income Disclaimers
Any earnings or income statements, or earnings or income examples, are only estimates of what we think you could earn. There is no assurance you'll do as well. If you rely upon our figures, you must accept the risk of not doing as well.
Where specific income figures are used, a. attributed to an individual or business, those persons or businesses have crammed that amount. There is no assurance you'll do as well. If you rely upon our figures; you must accept the risk of and doing as well.
Any and all claims or representations, as to income earnings on this website, should not be considered as average earnings.
There can be the assurance that any prior successes, or past results, as to income earnings, can be used as an indication of your
future success or result.
Monetary and income results are based on many factors. We have no way of knowing how well you will do, as we do not know you, your background, your work ethic, or your business skills or practices. Therefore we do not guarantee or imply that you will get rich, that you will do as well, or make any money at all. there is no assurance you'll do as well. If you rely upon our figures; you must accept the risk of not doing as well.
Any businesses and .mings derived therefrom, have unknown risks involved and are not suitable for everyone. Making decisions based on any information presented in our products, services, or webs., should be done only with the knowledge that you could experience significant losses, or make no money at all.
All products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Use caution and seek the advice of qualified professionals. Check with your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor, before acting on this or any information.
Users of our products, services and website are advised to do their own due diligence when it comes to making business decisions a. all information, products, a. services that have been provided should be independently verified by your own qualified professionals. Our information, products, and services on this website should be carefully considered and evaluated, before reaching a business decision, on whether to rely on them.
You agree that our company is not responsible for the success or failure of your business decisions relating to any information presented by our company, or our company products or services.
Important! these items of service (TOSS) govern your use of this site, which is provided by our company. By accessing this site, you
are indicating your acknowledgment and acceptance of these terms of use. These terms of use are subject to .ange by our company at any time in its discretion. Your u. of this site after such changes are implemented constitutes your acknowledgment and acceptance of the changes. please consult these terms of use regularly.
Access To This Site
To access this site or some of the resources it has to offer, you may be asked to provide certain registration details or other
information. It is a condition of your use of this site that all the information you provide will be correct, current, and complete. If our Company believes the information, you provide is not correct, current, or complete, we have the right to refuse you access to this si, or any of the resources, and to terminate or suspend your access at any time, without notice.
Restrictions On Use
You may use this site for purposes expressly permitted by this site. You may not use this site for any other purpose, including any
al purpose, without our Company's express prior written consent. For example, you may not (and may not authorise any other party to) (i) 03-brand this site, or (H) frame this site, or (iii) hyperlink to this site, without the express prior written permission of an author.. representative of our Company. For purposes of these, items of Use, "co-branding" means to display a name, logo, trademark, or other means of attribution or identification of any party in sum a manner as is reasonably likely to give a user the impression that such other party has the right to display, publish, or distribute this site or content accessible within this site. You agree to cooperate with our Company in causing any unauthorised co-branding, framing, or hyper-linking immediately to cease.
Our Company will treat any personal information that you submit through this site in accordance with its Privacy Policy as set out on this site.
Proprietary Information
The material and content (hereinafter referred to as the ''Content") accessible from this site, and any other World Wide Web site owned, operated, licensed, or controlled by our Company is the proprietary information of our Company or the party that provided the Content to our Company, a. our Company or the party that provided the Content to our Company retains all right, title, and interest in the Content. Accordingly, the Content may not be copied, distributed, republished, uploaded, posted, or transmitted in any way without the prior written consent of our Company, or unless authorised in writing elsewhere on our site, accept that you may print out a copy of the Content solely for your personal use. In doing so, you may not remove or alter, or cause to be removed or altered, any copyright, trademark, trade, sepias mad, or any other proprietary notice or legend appearing on any of the content. Modification or use of the Content expressly provided in these, items of Use violates our Company, intellectual property rights. Neither title nor intellectual property rights are transferred to you by access to this site.
This site may be hyper-linked to other sites which are not maintained by, or related to, our Company. Hyper-links to such sites are provided as a service to users and are not sponsored by or affiliated with this site or our Company. Our Company has not reviewed any or all of such sites and is not responsible for the content of those sites. Hyper-links are to be accessed at the user's own risk, and our Company makes no representations or warranties about the content, completeness or accuracy of these hyperlinks or the sites hyper-linked to this site. Further, the inclusion of any hyper-link team third-party site does not necessarily imply endorsement by our Company of that site.
You hereby grant to our company the royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, non-exclusive right and license to
works from, distribute, perform, and display all content, remarks, suggestions, ideas, graphics, or other information communicated to our Company through this site (together, hereinafter known as the "Submission"), and to incorporate any Submission in other works in any form of media, or technology now known or later developed. Our company will not be required to treat any Submission as confidential, and may use any Submission on its business (including without limitations, for the product or advertising) without incurring any liability for royalties or any other consideration of any kind, and will not incur any liability as a result of any similarities that may appear in future Company operations.
Our Company will treat any personal information that you submit through this site in accordance with its Privacy Policy as set forth on this site.
You understand that our Company cannot and does not guarantee or warrant that files available for downloading from the Internet will be free of viruses, worms, Trojan horses, or other code that may manifest contaminating or destructive properties. You are responsible for implementing sufficient procedures and checkpoints to satisfy your particular requirements, for accuracy of data input and output, and for maintaining a means external to this site for the reconstruction of any lost data.
Our Company does not assume any responsibility or risk for your use of the Internet.
The Content is not necessarily complete and up-to-date and should not be used to replace any written reports, statements, or notices provided by Company. Investors, borrowers, and other persons should use the Content in the same manner as any other educational medium a. should not rely on the Content to the exclusion of their own professional judgment. Information obtained by using this site is not exhaustive and does not cover all issues, topics, or facts that may be relevant to your goals.
Your use of this site is at your own risk. The Content is provided "as is" a. without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied. Our Company disclaims all warranties, including any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, or non-infringement.
Our Company does not warrant that the functions or content contained in this site, will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that this site or the server that makes it available are free of virus. or other harmful components.
Our Company does not The or make any representations regarding the use, or the result of use, of the content in terms of accuracy, reliability, or otherwise. The content may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors, and the Company may make changes or improvements at any time. You, and not our Company, assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction in the event of any loss or damage arising from the use of this site or its content. Our company makes no warranties that your use of the content will not infringe the rights of others a. assumes no liability or, responsibility for errors or omissions in such content.
All of the information in this site, whether historical in nature any obligation to update such information after it is posted or to remove such information from this site if it is not, or is no longer, accurate or complete.
Limitation On Liability
The company, its subsidiaries, affiliates, licensors, service providers, content providers, employees, agents, officers, and directors will not be liable for any incidental, direct, indirect, punitive, actual, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages, including loss of revenue or income, pain, and suffering, emotional distress, or similar damages, even if the company has been advised of the possibility of such damages. in no event will the collective liability of the company and subsidiaries, affiliates, licensors, service providers, content providers, employees, agents, officers, and directors, to any party (regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise) exceed the greater of $100 or the amount you have paid to the company for the applicable content, product or service out of which liability arose.
You will indemnify and hold the Company, its subsidiaries, affiliates, licensors, content providers, service providers, employees, agents, officers, directors, and contractors (hereinafter known as the "Indemnified Parties") harmless from any breach of these Terms of Use by you, including any use of Content other than as expressly authorised in these Terms of Use. You agree that the Indemnified Parties will have no liability in connection with any such breach or unauthorised use, and you agree to indemnify any and all resulting loss, damages, judgments, awards, costs, expenses, and attorney's fees of the Indemnified Parties in connection therewith. You will also indemnify and hold the Indemnified Parties harmless from and against any claims brought by third particulars sing out of your use of the information accessed from this site.
Trademarks, service marks, and logos appearing on this site are the property of the Company or the party that provided the trademarks, service marks, and logos to the Company and any party that provided trademarks, service marks, and logos to the Company remain all rights with respect to any of their respective trademarks, service marks, a. logos appearing in this site from time to time.
Information You Provide
You may not post, send, submit, publish, or transmit in line with this site any material that:
- You do not have the right to post, including proprietary material of any third party;
- Advocates illegal activity or discuss an intent to commit an illegal ad;
- Is vulgar, obscene, pornographic, or indecent;
- Does not pert, directly to this site;
- Threatens or abuses others, libels, defames, invades privacy, stalks, is obscene, pornographic, racist, abusive, harassing, threatening or offensive;
- Seeks to exploit or harm children by exposing them to inappropriate content, asking for personally identifiable details or otherwise;
- Infringes any intellectual property or another right of any entity or person, including violating anyone's copyright, or trademarks or their rights of publicity;
- Violates any law or may be considered to violate any law;
- Impersonates or misrepresents, your connection to any her entity or person or otherwise manipulates headers or identifiers to disguise the origin of the content;
- Advertises any commercial endeavor (e.g., offering for sale products or services) or otherwise engages in any commercial activity (e.g., conducting raffles or contra, displaying sponsorship banners, and/or soliciting goods or services) except as may be specifically authorised on this site;
- Solicits funds, advertisers or sponsors;
- Includes programs that contain viruses, wanes and/or Trojan horses or any other computer code, files, or programs assigned to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications;
- Disrupts the normal flow of dialogue, causes a screen to scroll faster than other users are able to type, or otherwise ad in a way that affects the ability of other people to engage in real Arne activities via this site;
- Includes MP3 format files;
- Amount to a 'pyramid' or similar scheme;
- Disobeys any policy or regulations established from time to time regarding use of this site or any networks connected to this site; or
- Contains hyper-links to other sites that contain content that falls within the descriptions set forth above.
Although under no obligation to do so, our Company reserves the right to monitor the use of this site to determine compliance with these Terms of Use, as well as the right to remove or refuse any information for any reason. Notwithstanding these, you remain solely responsible for the content of your submissions. You acknowledge and agree that neither the Company nor any third party that provides Content to the Company will assume or have any liability for any action or inaction by the Company or such third party with respect to any submission.
The Company reserves the right to by cooperate with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing the Company to disclose the identity of anyone posting any e-mail messages, or publishing or otherwise making available any materials that are believed to violate these Terms of Use.
By accepting this agreement, you waive and hold harmless the company from any cams resulting from any action taken by the company during or as a result of its investigations and/or from any actions taken aslant a consequence of investigations by either [company] or law enforcement authorities.
Any passwords used for this site are for individual use only. You will be responsible for the security of your password (if any). The company will be entitled to monitor your password a., at its discretion, require you to change it. If you u. a password that the Company considers insecure, the Company will be entitled to require the password to be changed and/or terminate your account.
You are prohibited from using any services or facilities provided in connection with this site to compromise security or members with system resources and/or accounts. The use or distribution of tools designed for compromising security (e.g., password guessing programs, cracking tools or network probing tools) is strictly prohibited. If you become involved in any violation of system security, the Company reserves the right to release your details to system administrators at other sites in order to assist them in resolving security incidents. The Company reserves Me right to investigate suspected violations of these Terms of Use.
The Company reserves the right to fully cooperate with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing Company to disclose the identity of anyone posting any e-mail messages, or publishing or otherwise making available any materials Mat are believed to violate these Terms of Use.
By accepting this agreement, you waive and hold harmless the company from any cams resulting from any action taken by the company during or as a result of its investigations and/or from any actions taken aslant a consequence of investigations by either [company] or law enforcement authorities.
Privacy Policy
Your privacy is very important to us. We want to make your experience on the Internet as enjoyable and rewarding as possible, as we want you to use the Internet’s vast array of information, tools, and opportunities with complete confidence.
We have created this Privacy Policy to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy and security. This Privacy Policy ascribes how our company collects information from all end users of our Internet services (the "Services")-those who access some of our Services but do not have an account, ("visitors") as well as those who may purchase Products. We request that you read this Privacy Policy carefully.
Personal Information Our Company Collects and How it is Used Introduction
Our company collects information in different ways from Visitors a. Clients who access the various parts of our Services and we use this information primarily to provide a customised experience as you use our Products and Services, and generally, do not share this information with third parties. However, we may disclose personal information collected if we have received your permission beforehand or in very special circumstances, such as when we believe that such disclosure is required by law or other special cases described below.
Members may be asked to provide certain personal information when they sign up for our Products or Services including name,
address, telephone number, billing information (such as a credit card number). Periodically, we may send you information about our various products a. services, or other products and services we feel may be of interest to you. The personal information collected is not shared with third parties, unless specifically stated otherwise or in special circumstances.
In this instance, personal information may not be used by the partner for any other purpose. We may also generate non-identifying a. aggregate profiles from personal information Members provide during registration (such as the total number, but not the names, of Members). As explained in more detail below, we may use this aggregated and non-identifying information to .11 advertisements that appear on the Services.
Our Company Partners and Sponsors
Some products and services may be offered to Visitors and Clients in conjunction with an affiliate, independent contractor seller or non-affiliated partner, provide Visitors and Clients some of these products a. services, the partner may need to collect a. maintain personal information. In these instances, you will be notified before any such data is collected or transferred and may decide not to use that particular service or feature.
Online Shopping
You can purchase products a. services or register to receive materials, such as a newsletter, catalogue or new product and service updates. In many cases, you may be asked to provide contact information, sum as your name, address, email address, phone number, and credit/debit card information.
If you order services or products directly from our company, we will personal information you provide only to process that order. We do not share his information with outside parties except to the extent neck Lily to complete that order.
Responses to Email Inquiries
When Visitors or Members send email inquiries to our company, the return email address is used to answer the email inquiry we
receive. Our company does not use the return email address for any other purpose and does not share the return email address with any third party.
Voluntary Customer Surveys
We may periodically conduct both business a. individual customer surveys. We encourage our customers to and participants to use the in these surveys because they provide us with important information that helps us to improve the types of products and services we offer and how we provide them to you. Your personal information and responses will remain strictly confidential, even if the survey is conducted by a third party. Participation in our customer surveys is voluntary.
We may take the information we receive from individuals responding to our Customer Surveys and combine (or aggregate) it with the responses of other customers we may have, to create broader, generic responses to the survey questions (such as gender, age, residence, hobbies, education, employment, industry sector, or other demographic information). We then use the aggregated information to improve the quality of our services to you, and to develop new services a. products. This aggregated, non-personally-identifying information may be shared with third parties.
Special Cases
It is our company's policy not to u. or shares the personal into about tors or Client, in ways unrelated to the ones described above without also providing you an opportunity to opt-out or otherwise prohibit such unrelated uses.
However, we may disclose personal information about Visitors or Clients, or information regarding your use of the Services or Web sites accessible through our Services, for any reason if, in our sole discretion, we believe that it is reasonable to do so, including credit agencies, collection agencies, merchant database agencies, law enforcement, or to satisfy laws, such as the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, the Child Online Privacy Act, regulations, or governmental or legal requests for sum information; to disclose information that is necessary to identify, contact, or bring legal action against someone who may be violating our Acceptable Use Policy or Terms Of Service, or other user policies; to operate the Services properly; or to protect our company and our Members.
"Cookies" and How Our Company Uses Them. A "cookie" is a small data file that can be placed on your hard drive when you visit a website. Our company may use cookies to celled, store, a. sometimes tracks information for statistical purposes to improve the products a. services we provide and to manage our telecommunications networks.
We at not control the use of these cookies and expressly disclaim responsibility for information collected through them.
Our Company Commitment to Children's privacy.
Protecting children's privacy is especially important. to us. It is our policy to comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 and all other applicable laws. Therefore, we restrict our Web site to persons eighteen y.rs or olden
You must be eighteen (18) years or older to access this website. if you are under eighteen years of age, you are not permitted to access this website, any reason. due to the age restrictions for u. of this website, no information obtained by this website falls within the child online privacy act (COPA) a. is not monitored as doing so.
Revisions to This Policy
Our company reserves the right to revise, amend, or modify this policy, our Terms of Service agreement, and our other licenses and agreements at any time and in any manner, by updating this posting.
These Terms of Use will be governed and interpreted pursuant to the laws of Brisbane, Australia notwithstanding any principles of conflicts of law. You specifically consent to personal jurisdiction in Brisbane in connection with any dispute between you and the
Company arising out of these Terms of Use or pertaining to the subject matter hereof. The parties to these Terms of Use. agree that the exclusive venue, or any dispute between the parties arising out of these Terms of Use. or pertaining to the subject matter of these Terms of Use will be in the state a. federal courts in Brisbane. If any part of these Terms of Use is unlawful, void or unenforced, that part will be deemed severable and v. not affect the validity a. enforceability of any remaining provisions. These, Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement amongst the parties relating to this subject matter Notwithstanding the foregoing, any additional terms and conditions on this site will govern the items to which they pertain. Our Company may revise these Terms of Use at any time by updating this posting.