Why Consider Business and Leadership Coaching?
Leadership coaching is a partnership, a collaborative approach to considering a challenge in an area of leadership that a client or an organisation wishes to improve.
Leadership coaching provided by LEAD N EDGE includes what is also referred to as executive and business coaching.
Individuals are coached not just for their own development but also to enable them to meet the challenges and strategic direction of their business and/or executive team.
Being clear about the change a client wants to see in their business, and the measures necessary to determine the success of coaching, are the first steps in setting up a coaching partnership.
Leadership coaching involves the use of evidence gathering tools to build a profile for each individual. This program will:
- Measure and predict behaviour in a business context;
- Explain communication, motivation and work style preferences;
- Give executives, managers and team leaders a map of how to communicate with and motivate their staff and team members in the most efficient way; and
- Allow team members to communicate more effectively with each other and achieve goals and outcomes more easily.
This is powerful information for any business leader and it helps leaders and team members interact in new ways and create better results with less effort. The process is designed to:
- Clarify and energise what the leader wants to achieve;
- Encourage learning about strategies and results required by the business or executive team;
- Focus the leader/team member on their options; and
- Educate the leader/team member on their accountability.
Coaches are trained to listen, to observe and to embrace the strategies, processes and metrics demanded by the coaching agreement. They also provide support to enhance the skills, resources, and creativity of every person being coached.
A LEAD N EDGE client can expect to be actively engaged and encouraged throughout the coaching process and treated as the expert in their own life.
A commitment to change is necessary for all to optimise the benefits of coaching.
Coaching is a professional service that has grown because leadership is complex and making improvements in any area of business requires support and focus.
A professional coach is totally ‘present’ for their clients in each coaching session:
- Listening to everything the client says;
- Observing all interactions; and
- Sharing the client’s feelings as they move through challenges, options and choices.
A LEAD N EDGE coach will use behavioural profiles and other tools/techniques as agreed to coach all participants towards contracted goals and measures.
Performance at work can be affected by issues outside of work including family relationships. Coaching the whole person, their values, relationships and other challenges can positively affect work performance.